Posts Tagged ‘people’

Haiti – A Tourist Attraction?

Posted: January 20, 2010 in travel
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Who hasn’t heard about the Haiti earthquake disaster stories spread out all over the media? News about that magnitude of earthquake travels fast.

I found an article published through MSNBC posted on Twitter that asks the question, “Should cruise ships be taking tourists to Haiti?” After seeing this article, my first response was, “No, of course not.” I thought it was insensitive and thought only the travel industry would benefit.

However, when I looked at the argument and discovered that the industry is actually helping the Haitian people, I opened my mind. I’m not sure I completely changed my mind, but I can see a viewpoint I wouldn’t otherwise see if not for this article.

What do you think? Read the article and leave a comment if you want to be a part of this discussion. Does the article change your mind? You can also vote from the article to voice your opinion.

Happy New Year!

Posted: January 3, 2010 in Uncategorized
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As the new year, 2010, begins, I’ve decided to start it fresh with a new subject for my blogs. My previous goals will change, which were to write about OSU and journalism for my social media class last fall semester.

Looking at my stats, I’ve noticed no one looking at my blog lately, and I can understand because it’s been awhile since the last post. I’ve been thinking about what to blog about since my class ended in December. An interesting Web site is Baby Blog: 100 Suggestions for blog subjects. It was an interesting list. You can see it at However, I’ve decided to do something it does not suggest.

What I’ve decided to do is explore travel. So, the next posts you see on this site will be about travel.